Parent Teacher Association
We would like to introduce ourselves as the new Parent Teacher Association (PTA). This was setup in the first half-term of the academic year beginning 2024, and it has been an extremely important time in this first half-term as we have been working incredibly hard with the school to elect people to key positions and get the ball rolling.
The Parent-Teacher Association is a group of parents, teachers, and school staff who work together to support and improve the educational experience for all students. The aim of the PTA is to bring the school community together, whilst creating a supportive community that enhances learning, development and opportunities for our children. Through fundraising, organising events, and volunteering, the PTA will help to provide resources, activities, and opportunities that enrich students' educational journey and build a strong school community.
Our PTA Committee Members are:
- Hannah Graham - Chair, Trustee
- Janine Kettle - Vice Chair, Trustee
- Claire Dutton - Secretary, Trustee
- Lauren Pendlebury - Grants & Funding Officer
- Lisa Stockall - Matched Funding Officer
- Vacant - Events Officer
- Vacant - Lottery & Raffles Officer
- Amber Gregory - School Link
- Sarah Jane Falconer - Governor Link